يحتوي هذا العلف على انزيمات وخمائر البروبايتيك الخاصة للهضم بالإضافة إلى مكسبات الطاقة والفايبر وزيوت الأوميجا
يصنّع هذا العلف طازجا وبشكل متكتل عند الطلب نظراً لاحتوائه على نسبة كبيرة من السكريات والمولاس السائل الذي بدوره يقوم بدمج المكونات ببعضها البعض
ضع هذا العلف في مكان بارد وجاف وبيئة نظيفة بعيدة عن الشمس والرطوبة والهواء الخارجي الضار وتغير المناخ الذي قد يسبب التعفن للعلف
التوصيات المقادير
تعطى خيول الايواء ما يعادل الخيل البالغ في العمر كمية ٣ وربع كيلو يوميا، وتقسم الوجبات بحسب المنظومة المعمولة بها لدى كل اسطبل
لا تقم بخلط هذا العلف بالماء، ضع هذا العلف بجانب الماء
صالحة لجميع أنواع خيول التربية
Physical properties
– This feed may contain chips of grains or non-soybeans Fully crushed
– The feed contains fiber and yeasts, and the proportions are balanced in each of the ingredients Composed of sugars, starches, carbohydrates
and salts that In turn, supply the ENERGY FOR YOUR horse
– This feed contains a percentage of high-quality concentrated compounds that have been met with the required conditions and spec. of high quality
– MAY contains orange & FRUITS flavors as well as other flavors which make it easier for the horse to absorb it faster
– One of the characteristics of this feed is that it works to provide the horse with energy that make it CHIL IN THE SUMMER
– This feed contains phosphorous and high iron, which in turn work to balance the horse’s body structure in terms of enzymes and adapt the ability
to reach YOUR GOALS
– There is a sufficient amount of sugar in this feed that makes the ability horses able to continue carrying the required distance for sufficient hours
– This feed works throughout the horse’s training period for a sustainable balance digestive system and the necessary metabolic processes
– The salts and minerals in the contents of this feed helps make HARBOURING horses THE ability sweat in balanced quantities to keep fluids from
lacking faster
– The feed contains trans fats and GMO OIL fats that aid in digestion, smooth hair, and help build a healthy body
– It is recommended to add small amounts of your desired nutritional supplement with the feed to get better results
– This feed is made fresh and lumpy upon request because it contains a large proportion of sugars and liquid molasses, which in turn combine the
ingredients with each other
– Place this Feed in a cool, dry, and clean environment away from the sun, WATER, moisture, harmful outside air, and climate change that may cause the Feed to rot
Recommendations and amounts
Before exertion, HARBOURING HORSES are given the equivalent of an Adult horse in the amount of 4 and a quarter kilograms per a day and the meals
are divided according to the system in place at each stable
Do not mix this feed with water, place this feed alongside the water
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